What's new?Even earth has a big moon....Is that your question?Then Yes there is a difference.
Titan is the only natural satellite of Saturn known to have dense atmosphere.It is the only object other than Earth for which clear proof of stable bodies of surface liquid has been detected.
Discovery of Titan
Well, its a long story to go.It has a lot of inspirations and feed backs...Titan was discovered on March 25(1655) by a Dutch astronomer named Christian Huygens. Huygens learnt and studied the discovery of Jupiter's moons in the year 1610.The discovery of Jupiter's four largest moons in 1610 and Galileo's improvements on telescope technology inspired him to a great extent.'Luck and quality of Telescope', are the two contributing factors for the discovery of Titan is what Huygens told when asked about his discovery.Great!!!! Hmmm...
Features of Titan
Titan is numbered Saturn VI because after the 1789 discoveries the numbering scheme was stopped to avoid causing any more confusion.Many number of small moons have been discovered nearer to Saturn since then.Titan orbits Saturn once every 15 days and 22 hours.Titan is has several layers with 3,400 km rocky center circumferenced by several layers having different crystal forms of ice.
Titan is generally described as the planet like moon and has radius about 100 times the radius of the moon.
Discovery of Liquid
Ammonia---this element having a chemical formula of NH3 creates a very big difference in the atmosphere of Titan...Why? Is that your question..Then here is your answer....
The presence of ammonia makes water to remain in the liquid state even at temperatures as low as -19 °C(Can you believe it..?).But that's a fact which we can't deny or defy....Proof for such presence has been recently uncovered by the Cassini probe.What's this Cassini?
Cassini is a spacecraft of NASA that aims to discover the Features and the hidden aspects of Titan--the moon of Saturn.
n September 2006, Cassini photographed a large cloud at a height of 40 km over Titan's north pole.The cloud was more likely to be ethane.The possibility that there were seas and pools of liquid CH4 on Titan were first proposed based on Voyager 1 and 2. But no evidence was shown till 1995 when data from Hubble and other observations suggested the existence of liquid methane on Titan.
Cassini scientists had been looking for liquid,since the spacecraft began orbiting Saturn in 2004.But no traces of luck were found.Then, Cassini Spacecraft has captured the first flash of sunlight reflected off a lake on Titan.This confirmed the presence of liquid on the part of the moon.Interesting Isn't it?.....Well a big YES!!!!!!
This is the first observation that really pins down that Titan has a surface lake filled with liquid," said Bob Brown of the University of Arizona, Tucson.
Analogy goes on like Earth has a hydrological cycle based on water and Titan has a cycle based on methane.
So, lets all wait to witness the revolution that takes place which might create ripples in the history of solar system after moon and mars.
----------by Teja24nex.(Explore the darkness outside you.)
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